Sunday, 26 August 2012


Ive been trying to do an outfit post but it just doesn't go to plan as I've been working allot which isn't bad. But i was hoping to show you my recent buys from the last 3 weeks which included topshop newlook and marks and sparks but that didn't go to plan either so i will show you what i got from Avon instead that i ordered 2 weeks ago.
so this is what i orderd these bracelet are so cute and are much like the actual chakra bracelets that i did want but at the price of £80 for a single bracelet i couldnt part with my money for that price so this is what i came up with at £2.50 each i thought i got myself a bargain but im not full of knowledge on what the bracelets actualy mean which is what i still like to know about (excuse my cat he tryed to get in the photo).
also these nail varnish's the one on the left is called noir emerald and the right is called lime splatter and i cant get enough of green at the moment i thought they would go well with it being nearly the end of Summer getting in the mood for Autumn .
well have a lovely weekend and i will be posting next weekend as im free and i will be at my nephew's first bday.

Sunday, 29 July 2012


So ive deleted all recent post and starting off fresh and i would like to start with creepers as they seem to get very popular and i seem to like them even more than i did last year but im thinking of purchasing them just for work the plain black as all recent pairs of shoes have only lasted about 3/4 weeks at the most and ive gone through 3 since starting my job and thought the sole on the creepers look reasonable and nice but at the price at £90 i was looking at other websites to find a cheaper deal so these are the sites that i found and sell likeable creapers and alot cheaper and ill properly surprise myself and buy another pair like the navy or burgundy.
asos £35  £29.99
mr shoes £26.99
newlook £24.99
Black (Black) Black Loiter Brothel Creepers | 259607601 | New Look


Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Im soooo sorry

Firstly i would like to say im sorry for not blogging for ages as things came up getting me distracted  which im not gonna say what and then only getting my self an apprenticeship job in a sweet shop after applying for several various jobs for a year and then this came up which im so happy about and also only Dame judy dench comes into our shop now and again which is still a shocker for me to serve her when shes been in such big films like james bond.
so im now going to try and keep up with the blogging and show recent purchases this will properly be about every weeken or every other im going to try my very hardest.
